She strode as man,
broken as the stars
and as the emerald eyes.
Athwart all fears,
and astride my weaknesses.
Straddled and surprised.
Souls poured into domination
and the mist of sea and sky
and the fury of powerful hips.
Serpent take me.
Inscribe the sign of a circle
and bear away wounds of the dark.
It will ever echo
and be raw in sight of eye.
Dripping plum flesh
cloven for a finger,
and the skill of a hand.
Shaft palmed
Cavern fisted
and a stroke down
and the spear of a laugh
and no word can tell.
Then rough flipped
a doll, a toy,
a long rod pleading
and a witch upon me.
The cycle of a quickened moon,
the burst of the prey,
and I piss my soul
for the longing of men.